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3 Ways To Kick Start Your Fitness

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my first blog post! I thought it would be only fitting to address the most difficult task of choosing a healthier lifestyle. How do we start?

Summer bodies are made in winter, so its time to find out!

1. Form a goal: As easy and silly as it may sound, forming a goal is what is going to get you started! Think of something you want to achieve whether that be something like, loosing 2kg, building your core strength or running for 5 minutes straight. Whatever it is, write it down and picture yourself achieving it. It's also just as important to set an end date for this goal. If you don't have a time period to work towards then it becomes easy to be less motivated and lazy. Make it realistic and don't be too hard on yourself!

2. Find what works for you: Often people kick off their program with the most cliche ways to be 'fit' which usually includes running and pushups. But this isn't how you have to do it. Find what works for you, discover exercises that you are going to have fun with and will want to actually do for the rest of your life. Some people like to run and thats awesome, but some people rather punch a bag for an hour and others may want to be a part of sweaty yoga class. You don't have to go to a gym and you don't have to take part of gruelling bootcamp sessions. Whatever works for you is whats going to help you reach your goal.

3. Gain a support group: No one said this was going to be easy, and it may become very challenging at times. This is why it's important to surround yourself with people who are going to help you achieve your best. Develop a friendship training group or adopt a mentor (such as a PT) who is going to help you every step of the way. You don't and shouldn't have to start alone, so find like minded people who want to achieve the same thing as you!

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