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Simple Guide to Healthy Eating

Do you ever do that thing where you open and shut the pantry or fridge door expecting food to magically appear in seconds only to realise it won't and you end up just reaching for the most conveianant and usually unhealthy food in there? Yeah, me too!

Eating healthy can be complicated i'll admit, its a constant cycle of 'what can I eat' and 'what can't I eat'.

But here is a few simple tips to get unstuck on your diet:

1. Follow the basics: you know that food pyramid you see plastered in school classrooms or in gyms, yeah its there for a good reason. It may seem basic and sometimes even too easy to follow, but this pyramid is the lifesaver to all food diets. Don't try and eliminate food groups or restrict your body from fats because this is where binge eating will occur. Follow the food pyramid and your body will thank you!

2. It's not a 'diet' it's a lifestyle: The most common thing people tell themselves is 'it's okay only 6 weeks to go or only 3 days left till you can eat whatever you want'. This mindset is where everything heads downhill. Goals are good I agree, but we want a meal plan thats going to last a lifetime not just a couple weeks. Think for the rest of your life, not until you get over eating healthy.

3. Make it fun!: Eating healthy does not have to be bland, boring and tasteless. Find foods that cater to you and enjoy what you eat! You don't have to sacrifice your favourite piece of chocolate or favourite pasta sauce, just enjoy it in moderation and add flavours to your food that you'll know will make you want to eat it again! Find pleasure in nourishing your body and keeping it alive!

4. The most important tip, MEAL PLAN!!: Short on time? Tired after work? Kids are sick? Stress less, because when you meal plan it's as easy as pulling that healthy home cooked meal out of the fridge and putting into the microwave, ready in minutes! Putting time aside for yourself one day of the week for a couple hours to just meal plan is one of my best tips. You cannot go wrong when everything is already done for you!

Hope this helps getting your healthy eating on track!

Remember to look after and love yourself every day!

xxx FitLiv

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