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Becoming an early bird!

Not a morning person? Can't seem to comprehend the percent of the population that get up so early and have completed their day by noon? Well here's my top tips to get you up and going in the morning!

1. My number one rule doesn't begin in the morning, it starts the night before. Going to bed early and getting in those zzz hours is the most important tip of all! Our bodies and brains need that time to shut down and refresh for the next day ahead of us. I tend to fall asleep no later than 10.30pm, enabling my body to automatically wake me up around 7.30-8am the next morning! Feeling refreshed and ready for the day!

2. Don't skip breakfast: I'm sure your sick and tired of hearing 'breakfast is the most important meal off the day', but they ain't lying and it might be time to follow by it!

Waking up and eating breakfast not only kick starts your body (especially your metabolism for the day) but wakes your Brain up as well!

3. Keep off that device!: A cheeky check here and there isn't going to hurt you, but in the end it can cause major distraction and tire your mind. Open the curtains, look outside and feel the sun. Get ready, listen to music and don't let yourself get distracted by what your fav celebrity is up to this morning!

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