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How to beat 'Gym-Fear'!

It's that all to scary season, when it's too cold to workout outside, and too cosy to work out in your lounge room! So the only place left to go is the local gym. But theres one thing stopping you, gym-fear.

Don't be shy, over half the population are scared or intimidated to work out in a gym! That's why I'm here to help you beat your gym-fear, and own that space like a boss!

1. Don't be shy and say hi!: There are always multiple staff members and trainers floating around the gym and usually it's for one reason. To get to know you and help you with all your gym needs! Befriending a staff member is a lot easier than you think, and when anything goes wrong or you and a piece of equipment are having a show down, you can always grab them for some help! You are not the first beginner and definitely won't be the last!

2. Fear of being watched: This might come as a surprise, but no-one is watching you! (I know right, shocker!) Everyone in the gym are too focused on their own goals, technique and workouts, meaning they're too busy to concentrate on you! Get red faced when you work out? meh. Sweaty back? meh. Huffer and puffer? It doesn't matter, because your the only one concentrating on your workout. Workout like no one is watching, and if you catch someone taking a quick glance, its probably because they're jealous of your awesome workout leggings.

3. Put those headphones in!: When you play music (on full volume as you should) you fall into your own world and don't notice anyone around you. Music is a great tool for exercise not only to help motivate you but to also distract you from everything else going on in the gym and keep you focused on your own workout! That's right, it feels like Beyonce and Cardi B are exercising right there with you!

4. Class not ass: Don't be shy to try out one of the many group classes that your gym likes to offer! This is one of the best ways to get to know your trainers, meet some members and learn new exercises to do on your own! Bonus is, they're usually free with your membership, HOORAY!

5. Bring a friend: I know personally that gym can be a whole lot less intimidating if you have a friend by your side. Plan a partner session where you both workout together and get to have a little fun while your at it! Exercise shouldn't be boring, so if you have a like minded friend why not bring them in for a duo session! It's like having a built in motivator machine by your side!

So next time you head to the gym, don't forget these 5 easy tips to help you rid of that gym-fear and walk in like you own the place!


-KIC girls Website (blog post)

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